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Tax declaration mistake/correction

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 1:10 am
by apfel

In case of finding a mistake in reporting the gain/loss (stock, crypto, ...) in a tax declaration after receiving the tax assessment (Steuerbescheid), is there any chance to submit the correction?

If yes, should that be done before the appeal (Einspruch) deadline which is ~one month after the reception of the assessment?
Or should it be considered in the tax declaration of the year after?
Or doesn't it have a specific deadline?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Tax declaration mistake/correction

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 9:01 am
by PandaMunich
You should correct it immediately.
If the correction is in your favour, it can only be done if it reaches the Finanzamt within 1 month and 3 days of the date written on the Bescheid.
The Finanzamt will then issue a new Bescheid.

Re: Tax declaration mistake/correction

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 2:01 pm
by apfel
It is actually in my favor. Do you know what the process is?
I should write them about the issue and will ask me to submit/fill out the tax declaration form once again?

Re: Tax declaration mistake/correction

Posted: Thu May 30, 2024 2:46 pm
by PandaMunich
apfel wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 2:01 pm It is actually in my favor. Do you know what the process is?
I should write them about the issue and will ask me to submit/fill out the tax declaration form once again?
Google the "name of your Finanzamt" and "e-mail" to find out your Finanzamt's e-mail address (this will only work if you do not live in Baden-Wuerttemberg, the Finanzämter there do not publish their e-mail addresses, so there, you have to write a letter).

And then write an e-mail to your Finanzamt an e-mail that has as the subject "Einspruch gegen Einkommensteuer-Bescheid" and your "Steuernummer: xxx/xxx/xxxxx"
and in the text of the e-mail, write what mistake you made and what the correct amounts should have been.

You do not refile the tax return, you just tell them the change you want and they will change the entries in your tax return themselves and will issue a new Bescheid which reflects them.

Attach supporting documentation, e.g. if this is about crypto, a German tax report that obeys the German FIFO rule and which you can generate by importing all your transactions, e.g. at