More and more people trying to visit the United States end up behind bars | DW News

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More and more people trying to visit the United States end up behind bars | DW News

Post by yesterday »

maybe watch this video, its from DW and is stating that Government around the world have updated conditions for visiting the US, not some random web guy.

As stated in this video, several foreign people ( dont say how many ), are getting stopped at the entry point to the USA, they get there mobile phone and social media sites inspected. If there is anything negative about Trump found, they get looked up and returned to their source country, even though they had valid travel documents and a VISA.

So if you are going to visit the USA, in the future, make sure you go around your social media sites ( ie toytown as well ) like this and delete anything negative about Trump or the USA, or maybe it could happen to you.

It does not say, but I guess US passport holders, do not have go through this.
Last edited by yesterday on Mon Mar 24, 2025 1:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: More and more people trying to visit the United States end up behind bars | DW News

Post by Bayrisch_Dude »

yesterday wrote: Sat Mar 22, 2025 1:49 pm
getting stopped at the entry point to the USA, they get there mobile phone and social media sites inspected. If there is anything negative about Trump found

It does not say, but I guess US passport holders, do not have go through this.
Not necessarily. A former colleague and good friend of mine who was a retired US special agent at the time, left the US to live in Croatia for two years with his family. He returned at the end of last summer to the US. He was held for six hours by CBP at the US airport, whilst all mobiles were searched and he was interrogated on where he had been and what he was doing for such a long period time.

The US has been doing this since 9/11. This is nothing new. To add to it, when an American citizen relinquishes their citizenship, the IRS is informed for obvious reasons, but this is also provided to the FBI and CIA to place these individuals on watch lists.
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Re: More and more people trying to visit the United States end up behind bars | DW News

Post by Franklan »

yesterday wrote: Sat Mar 22, 2025 1:49 pm [..] As stated in this video, several foreign people ( dont say how many ), are getting stopped at the entry point to the USA, they get there mobile phone and social media sites inspected.
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Re: More and more people trying to visit the United States end up behind bars | DW News

Post by LeonG »

Having a valid travel document plus visa if you need it is not a guarantee to get into any country. It's always up to the discretion of the visa officer. Previously they might have kept people in airport jail and put them on the next flight home but I'm reading now that people are sent into ICE detention and kept for weeks up to months. A Canadian woman kept by ICE for 12 days said that the entire time she was not allowed to communicate with anybody on the outside, not even to get a lawyer and none of the guards could tell her anything about her case or how long they would keep her.
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Re: More and more people trying to visit the United States end up behind bars | DW News

Post by Sannerl »

LeonG wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 11:52 pm Having a valid travel document plus visa if you need it is not a guarantee to get into any country. It's always up to the discretion of the visa officer. Previously they might have kept people in airport jail and put them on the next flight home but I'm reading now that people are sent into ICE detention and kept for weeks up to months. A Canadian woman kept by ICE for 12 days said that the entire time she was not allowed to communicate with anybody on the outside, not even to get a lawyer and none of the guards could tell her anything about her case or how long they would keep her.
John Oliver on ICE detention:

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Re: More and more people trying to visit the United States end up behind bars | DW News

Post by AlexTr »

LeonG wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 11:52 pm Having a valid travel document plus visa if you need it is not a guarantee to get into any country. It's always up to the discretion of the visa officer. Previously they might have kept people in airport jail and put them on the next flight home but I'm reading now that people are sent into ICE detention and kept for weeks up to months. A Canadian woman kept by ICE for 12 days said that the entire time she was not allowed to communicate with anybody on the outside, not even to get a lawyer and none of the guards could tell her anything about her case or how long they would keep her.
They are doing this because: 1) they quite technically can; and 2) the ICE prisons are not operated by DCOR but by private companies trying to make a profit. They make a profit then buy Trump crypto or his wife's NFTs. Anyone who doesn't know Trump is an authoritarian is either not looking or ignorant.
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